Not off course but for sure. None of them but either of them are not so unsure about the sure. but why not is not so why. if it is not for sure. off course for sure may be could be the right option but why not the sure. With not so unwarming but quite warming, Binay
I maybe agree with you, but not for sure. But I am happy to see you spending your time with advanced higher but lower philosophy.
Is this English ?
Binay or not Binay, that is the question ! Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the bullshit and raw words of outrageous roommates,
Or to take rifles against a sea of nonsense, and by opposing terminate them?
Ha ha ha,
I heard that climate change was being felt very frigidly in North India, but this much???
Come on boy, use that overcoat you bought in Venice...
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