Above is the arch symbol of the Arches National Park as well as the State of Utah. Its name (Landscape Arch) in the years has been mistook with the one of another famous arch (Delicate arch) of the park, showed down here. The picture above cost me the cover of my Nikon SLR lense, which Sara and I wathed impotently going down the cliff :-(.
After the visit of what now is known as Landscape Arch, Sara was very tired and went back to the car for a nap. Mainwhile I climbed a little more, reaching some more arches
Prima di partire per Bryce abbiamo visitato anche il parco statale di Canyonlands, basta vedere le foto sotto per capire il motivo di questo nome...
Questo punto è molto famoso ed è noto come Dead Horse Point perchè un tempo si spingevano i cavalli selvaggi in questo punto in cui l'altopiano si stringe a formare una punta per poterli catturare: molti non si facevano prendere e si lanciavano nel vuoto sottostante.
Before leaving for Bryce, we visited the State Park of Canyonlands, just look at the pics down here to understand how much its name is fitted !
This point is known as the Dead Horse Point, because a couple of centuries ago the settlers use to push in this corner the mustangs and often they preferred to dive into the canyon rather than to be captured.

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